DIY heating

It is definitely impossible to survive without heating in our country. Wrong climate. Therefore, even at the planning stage, they think over a heating system. Most often, water heating is done - radiators, pipes, a boiler and a coolant moves through this system. One of the varieties - water heated floor... These are special pipes laid in the floor and filled with cement mortar (in most cases). Any of the options is good because coolant has a high heat capacity and can transfer enough heat to heat the room during prolonged cold weather. The downside is the high cost at the stage of operation.

Another heating method is air. A device is installed that heats the air and that's it. In a large building, they either install several low-power sources or make a duct system. This system is quickly implemented, but heats only while the heat sources are working. There is no "reserve", as in the water coolant. These systems are common in countries with warm winters or in specific industries - in greenhouses, service stations, etc.

The third kind - steam heating - is even less common. There is also a boiler (steam), a system of pipes and radiators, but the coolant is not liquid, but water vapor. Superheated steam under pressure is a source of danger, because this type of heating is prohibited for public organizations, and private traders rarely use it.

You must first select a circulation pump according to the characteristics

Heating systems are divided into systems with natural (gravitational) and forced circulation. In systems with forced circulation, the installation of a circulation pump is mandatory. Its task is to ensure the movement of the coolant through the system at a given speed. And so that he can cope with his task, until ...

It is possible to install a gas boiler in the kitchen only if there is a working ventilation and doors

Gas remains the cheapest fuel for now. Accordingly, the cheapest heating is obtained precisely on natural gas. True, the installation of a gas boiler is associated with certain difficulties - the premises must comply with fire safety standards.

Chimney cleaning with a chimney sweep

Heating a house, cottage or bath is rarely complete without a stove or boiler. For our winters, this equipment is optimal: it can produce the required amount of heat. But stoves and boilers require maintenance, and one of the mandatory procedures is chimney cleaning.

Circulation pumps are installed in heating systems with forced or natural circulation. They are needed to increase heat transfer and to be able to adjust the room temperature. Installing a circulation pump is not the most difficult task; with a minimum of skills, you can do it yourself, with your own hands.

You can choose any place for the installation of the electric convector. It is desirable only that it is not covered with furniture.

Water heating, traditional for our country, is complicated and expensive at the installation stage. Therefore, many are looking for other options for heating rooms, crowbars, summer cottages and apartments. The first thing that comes to mind is electric heating convectors. Installation is super simple: set it up or hang it up, plug it in. ...

How infrared heating works

One of the options for electric heating uses radiation in the infrared range. In the same range the sun radiates its heat, and so does our body. Therefore, such heating is described by the owners as very comfortable.

Where is the swap nipple

Heating is a key life support system for a private house and its stable operation is very important. One of the parameters to be monitored is pressure. If it is too low, the boiler will not work; if it is too low, the equipment will wear out too quickly. To stabilize the pressure in the system ...

There are dozens of manufacturers of double-circuit gas boilers

Today gas heating is still the cheapest. Therefore, if there is a gas pipeline nearby and technical capabilities, it makes sense to install a double-circuit gas boiler. Why double-circuit? Because one device will provide both heat and hot water.

Now you need to transfer readings once every half a year

Heating bills have become more and more daunting in recent years and we really want to reduce them. Perhaps, at the moment, the only way to save money is to put a meter for heating in the apartment. But this is not always possible - this is the modern legislative framework.

Standard installation - on fum-tape or linen roll with packing paste

Sometimes it becomes necessary to adjust the temperature in each specific room. This can be done by installing a thermostat for a heating radiator. This is a small device that regulates the heat transfer of the radiator. It can be used with all types of radiators, except for cast iron. One important point - the device can lower the initial ...


