How to make a brazier from a gas cylinder, barrel, pipe

An old gas bottle is one of the most useful things in the household. That only they do not make of it: stoves, and potbelly stoves, and barbecue and braziers. and all because the form is almost ready. Small alterations remain which take only a few hours. For example, a brazier from a gas cylinder with your own hands can be made in three to four hours (this is if you do not do the legs).

If desired, the brazier can be decorated very attractively, for example, in the form of a steam locomotive

If desired, the brazier can be decorated very attractively, for example, in the form of a steam locomotive

Safe disassembly

Before starting to work with the cylinder, it is imperative to remove the remaining gas from it. The operation is simple, but reliably prevents possible troubles: the container is filled with water. It displaces all vapors and residues.

First, unscrew the tap, connect the water hose and supply water under a slight pressure. When the entire volume is completely filled, you can start cutting the metal.

Balloon marking

Most often, a 50 liter propane tank is taken for the brazier. It turns out the optimal size for cooking 6 servings of barbecue. These products are standard, therefore the markup will be common for everyone.

The outer diameter of the balloon is 96 cm. It is perfectly divisible by 4: it turns out to be 24 cm. There is also a mark relative to which it is convenient to mark: this is a longitudinal seam. With respect to him, it is worth postponing all distances: then everything will be smooth, without distortions.

First, set aside 24 cm from the seam in both directions, draw lines. Putting the balloon horizontally, with the seam down, on one of the lines we make markings for skewers. We retreat 3 cm from the circular seams to the right and left, and then put marks every 8 cm.We get 6 marks. They will need to drill holes with a diameter of about 1 cm.

From the line on which the markings were carried out, lay up 10 cm (from the seam-middle it will turn out 34 cm). Here the lid of our barbecue will end.

Marking a gas cylinder for a barbecue

Marking a gas cylinder for a barbecue

Next, we mark the cover itself. This will be the distance between the first marked line and the one just drawn. Between them, stepping back from the circular welds 3 cm, draw lines. We have drawn a barbecue lid on a balloon. It takes less than half the diameter (in the photo it turned out below).

Read how to make a sheet metal brazier here. 

We make a brazier from a gas cylinder

All these manipulations are carried out with a balloon filled with water. Marked, and first of all we cut along the line to which the lid will be attached (see the photo below). Just do not forget: when cutting the balloon, do not reach the 3 cm circular seams.

Once you have cut the entire length of this line, stop. There is no need to cut further: we will immediately weld the loops.

If you first cut off the entire lid, it will be difficult to weld on the hinges: you will have to somehow fix the lid, keep it at the same distance. It is unrealistic to do this alone, you will need an assistant. Stopping after the first cut along the line is easy to do alone.

Having made the first cut along the top of the lid, we immediately weld the hinges

Having made the first cut along the top of the lid, we immediately weld the hinges

Having welded the hinges, we continue to work with the grinder - they cut off the door, and it turns, and does not fall. Now you can pour out the water from the tank.

About, how to cook with an inverter welding machine, read here.

Further, so that the open lid does not fall back and break the hinges, we weld pieces of the corner along the cut line between the hinges (see the photo below). A width of 3-4 cm is enough, and cut off the corner as it is - 40 * 40 mm or 50 * 50 mm. Such stops are needed on both sides of the cover - on the right and left.

The distance to which the lid will open is changed by unbending the corners.Choose such a distance that it is convenient for you to close it - you do not have to bend forward, reaching the handle. But at the same time, it is also impossible to push it strongly forward, so that it does not slam shut and bang on the hand.

We weld a piece of the corner between the hinges - this will be a stopper for the lid

We weld a piece of the corner between the hinges - this will be a stopper for the lid

The remaining bottom rim can be easily removed by making a cut. It is advisable not to touch the side (circular) seams. O-rings are laid in them, which rigidly hold the entire structure of the barbecue. That is why, when marking the lid, we stepped back from them a few centimeters: so that the brazier was durable and reliable.

We attach a handle to the lid. It can be anything. If there is something suitable in the "zagashnik" we use it, no - you can just weld on a piece of reinforcement curved accordingly. It is only advisable to adapt another piece of wood so that you can take it with your hand.

The next step in the manufacture of a barbecue from a gas cylinder is necessary so that the lid does not fall inside. To do this, cut a strip about 3 cm wide from metal 1-3 mm thick. And weld it to the cutout in the cylinder.

From the inside, along the entire perimeter, we weld a strip of metal, which will not allow the lid to fall through

From the inside, along the entire perimeter, we weld a strip of metal, which will not allow the lid to fall through

Further, according to the previously applied marks, we drill holes for the skewer.

Previously, we applied marks every 8 cm.Now we drill holes along them

Previously, we applied marks every 8 cm.Now we drill holes along them

On the other side, on the welded plate opposite each of the holes, we make cuts. This is also a place for skewers.

The next step is to cut the air intake slots on the bottom. The construction of the barbecue is closed, and without this, firewood and coals will burn badly. Therefore, we turn the brazier upside down, and set aside 10 cm from the seam in both directions.Further, from each of these lines, we put off another 10-12 cm and also draw lines. It turned out that at an equal distance from the central seam, we have two strips 10 cm wide. In these strips we cut through the grinder every 5 cm holes for air supply. If you wish, you can make not strips, but drill holes, but there should be a lot of them, and the production of strips will take less time.

This is how the markings for the air supply holes look like

This is how the markings for the air supply holes look like

About why the holes are not made at the very bottom. Firstly, it is undesirable to touch the seam. It gives rigidity to the structure. Secondly, any holes in the bottom are quickly clogged with grease mixed with ash and ash. Then this mixture smokes heavily, and through the clogged holes the air enters very badly, you have to constantly fan the wood and coals and often clean the holes.

The final touch is to cut off the tap and weld the hole.

We cut off the tap, apply a patch and weld

We cut off the tap, apply a patch and weld

The grill itself from a gas cylinder is already ready. It remains to attach the legs. How - read a couple of points below.

What should be the result

What should be the result: brazier from a gas cylinder with a lid

Read how to make a barbecue from sheet iron here.

Simple construction

The option described above is convenient, but rather difficult to manufacture. Everything can be made easier. The easiest way is to cut the propane cylinder in half lengthwise, cut grooves along the edges of the skewer, drill holes in the sides for air intake and attach legs. That's all the work.

The simplest brazier from a propane cylinder

The simplest brazier from a propane cylinder

If you want to make a brazier with a lid, weld the other half on the hinges. And so that the lid does not fall through, a 3 cm wide strip of metal is welded to it on the outer and lateral sides (in the previous version, the strip was welded to the body, and not to the lid).

To prevent the open lid from falling, a piece of chain is sometimes used as a stopper. A section of the required length is welded to the right and left. But the option with stops at the back is much more practical: the chain gets tangled and dirty: with the lid closed, it ends up inside the barbecue.

Barbecue from a barrel

It is desirable to find a barrel of almost the same volume - 50-60 liters - this is the optimal size. Moreover, its diameter should not be too large: skewers usually go 50-60 cm.In order for them to lie tightly on the brazier, at least 10-12 cm of free length must remain. So it turns out that the diameter of the barrel should not be more than 40-50 cm.

Barbecue from a barrel with a lid. Manufacturing to the smallest detail coincides with the process when using

Barbecue from a barrel with a lid. Manufacturing to the smallest detail coincides with the process when using a gas cylinder

If it is wider, there are two ways out - to make a skewer according to the required dimensions or weld on the far side from the inside a corner on which to rest their tips. You won't be able to win a lot, but 5-6 cm, depending on the size of the corner, can be won back.

Barrels must have walls at least 2-3 mm thick. It goes without saying that you cannot use containers from fuels and lubricants. You can't throw them out to such an extent that you can cook food.

The sequence of making a brazier from a barrel is no different from those described above. By itself, only the preparatory stage goes away - there is no need to fill with water. With very different sizes, you will need to make adjustments to the markup - in the direction of decreasing or increasing - see for yourself.

You can also make the simplest grill from the barrel - weld the legs to the cut along the container and cut along the edges of the recess for the skewer

You can also make the simplest grill from the barrel - weld the legs to the cut along the container and cut along the edges of the recess for the skewer

They make very functional barrels from barrels - a container for coal or firewood (also with a lid) is added next to it. One of these is in the photo.

Barbecue from a barrel with a capacity for coal

Barbecue from a barrel with a capacity for coal

Although, no one bothers to make the same from a cylinder: next to 50-liter propane gas, attach the same decorated, but already 27 liters.

Brazier from propane cylinders with a capacity for coal or firewood

Brazier from propane cylinders with a capacity for coal or firewood

Brazier from a pipe and with a pipe

Building a brazier from a pipe is a little more difficult. In the sense that you will need to weld the ends. All other operations are no different. Even the designs are exactly the same.

Braziers from a pipe - manufacturing will require a little more time: you need to weld the sides

Braziers from a pipe - manufacturing will require a little more time: you need to weld the sides

But using a pipe has its advantages: since we will still weld the sides, why not make a door (in the photo on the left). You can use the old one from the stove - through it you can put firewood, as well as regulate the air supply while the coals are "cooked".

Brazier with a pipe

To ensure better traction and so that smoke does not interfere with those nearby, you can attach a smoke exhaust pipe to the sidewall of the barbecue from a cylinder, pipe or barrel. It will add work, but not very much. But it will be more comfortable to use: the smoke is good on a barbecue, but they do not want to breathe at all.

Braziers with a chimney are more comfortable - the smoke goes up.You can arrange everything in different ways too.

Braziers with a chimney are more comfortable - the smoke goes up. You can arrange everything in different ways too.

How to do simple brick grill, read here.


Not everything and not always turns out to be planted on skewers. Then you need a grill or barbecue grill. If you want to have something like this, then instead of a strip of metal along the long side of the barbecue body, weld not a strip of metal, but a 30 * 30 mm corner. You will receive a shelf on which you can put the grate. The grate itself can be welded from a bar.

Barbecue grill from a gas cylinder

Barbecue grill from a gas cylinder

Alternatively, you can make a support for the lattice, weld pieces of corners 3-4 cm wide just below the level of the door.

The video shows the design of a barbecue from three gas cylinders, which can be both a barbecue and a smokehouse. Very clever design. Look! Helpful!

Making a berbeku out of bricks is described here.

Making legs

They can be from a corner, a round or shaped pipe, fittings, a strip of thick metal. Use what is on the farm. Some ideas are in the photo below.

The simplest legs from a pipe and a corner were welded to the bottom. You can make spacers at the bottom, and arrange a shelf on them

The simplest legs from a pipe and a corner were welded to the bottom. You can make spacers at the bottom, and arrange a shelf on them

Almost also can be made from thick steel strips.

Thick metal strip legs

Thick metal strip legs

Comfortable legs for a barbecue from a propane cylinder can be made from a profile pipe. They can be in the form of an inverted T and welded to the middle. You can make a support in the form of a frame by making a shelf (or several shelves) below for firewood, bowls, etc.

Legs from a profile pipe for a barbecue from a gas cylinder

Legs from a profile pipe for a barbecue from a gas cylinder

Legs can be made from round pipes and / or fittings. If you want to have a portable brazier, then small pieces of fittings are welded to the body, and pieces of pipes of a suitable diameter are placed on them (the inner diameter of the pipes is slightly larger than the outer fittings). You can do the opposite: weld pipe pieces and insert fittings.

How to make legs for a barbecue from pipes and fittings

How to make legs for a barbecue from pipes and fittings

Just keep in mind that it will be difficult to move it with such legs: the legs will fall out. To avoid this, the threads are cut.

A video example of making one of the homemade barbecues from a propane cylinder, see below.

Read how to build a summer kitchen here. Maybe you need to build a gazebo where you can enjoy barbecue? Read about the construction of a gazebo made of metal here (with a photo report).

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